Friday 27 June 2008

Misc : to the West

La Haule - I like the way there are no railings here (site of an old railway 'halt' kind of station), nothing between us walkers and the beach save for a drop. It's a nice open 'feel' - but I saw the other day a call for safey railings.... more Nanny State garbage!

Not the world's clearest pic, but it doesn't cost much to include it, so what the heck.

Without a cafe here at Greve de Lecq...

... is a once-in-a-lifetime chance to see the back of this bunker.
Gosh how exciting, I hear you thinking :o)

Numerous landmarks, from Mont Matthieu...

.. the sheer distance (zoom) accounting for the grain (or 'noise' in digital photography) in this shot.

That'll be the 'splash.

A sunset scene is appropriate to end with...

.. thank you and goodnight.


Anonymous said...

All good to see, thanks especially for Z1, shame in Z2 you can see the 'ecological protected zone' or whatever, houses.


A Holiday In The Sun said...

The Watersplash is looking a bit tired. Maybe that's because I'm more used to seeing it in the dark, whilst slightly "merry"!