Friday 30 April 2010

Ronez Point and hidden bunker

This exposed corner, visible from the Ronez Point "loop road", gives us a clue that there may be something worth a look (map)...

.. even if there's no dead easy way to it but to scramble down through the wilderness...

.. and the best way down, the last climb, is through some bushes on the east side.

(view of coast to the east)

(and to the west, the quarry)

.. and here's the bunker. No entrances or anything to see other than this small area with a drainage problem.

Looking back the way we came.

The quarry's old jetty - I don't know if it's used any more...

.. closer - some evidence of crumbling.

Steps up to the rock.

From another viewpoint, looking through the wire fence...

.. the whole quarry.

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