Thursday, 27 November 2008

Fete de Noue kicks off

6.30pm, and this small piping band leads the way from West's Centre to...

.. the Royal Square...

.. now lit up for the festive season...

.. and attended by a sizeable crowd (the weather was kind) for the carol singing.

Meanwhile, to the right (but earlier in the day)...

.. it's still open :)

.. and not far away, some metalwork holding up the building (while it's being transformed into a new HSBC bank) is finally removed (back on the 19th Nov).

Wednesday, 26 November 2008

Crane Change

27th Sept 2008 - my Saturday lunch at the harbour was disturbed by constant clattering noises. Turns out they were removing reinforced crane supports on the New North...

.. so, with time to kill, I headed up to Pier Road for a better vantage point...

.. painstaking work...

.. closer.

The Lifeboat station, while I'm using the car park as a viewpoint...

.. with a good view of the work in progress.

Cranes old and new...


The blue one is the new one.
That'll be Elizabeth Castle in the background.

More views from that carpark next time on Crapaudmatic!

Monday, 24 November 2008

More views from Fort Regent

Towards St.Aubin's Bay from the old minigolf area...

.. Waterfront area...

.. and right a bit, as far as the hospital.

Castle and distant tower...

.. closer.

Hotel de France and Highlands, over Gas Place. The Ann St chimney now missing, of course.

A school for a higher class of bullies :)

Down the coast towards Green Island...

.. closer - the Grande Charriere slipway at Greve d'Azette.
Icho tower in the hazy distance.

Please vote what you think, by clicking one of the 3 boxs below! Thanks

(all the hits on the hit counter... and no-one can be bothered to tick one of these boxes?!)

Saturday, 22 November 2008

View west from Fort Ramparts

(and no big wheel required!)

Here's the wide view from the ramparts, taking in the delights of the Steam Clock, "West of Albert" urban sprawl and underpass, the tunnel entrance, Weighbridge Area, Liberation Square, the "Island Site" and bus station, Esplanade etc.

The statue area in Liberation Square, and the old abattoir area behind (being renovated into a shopping mall).

It's not great, but better than the waste of time sunken road they're planning.

Delightful Jersey charm.

New blocks on land where the corner of the beach used to be.

The Esplanade and start of Victoria Avenue...

.. if this area feels like a "concrete desert"... it's because it is!

Friday, 14 November 2008

La Rocque Sunset

A view along the Pontac coast.

It's the real reason I stopped the car at La Rocque, a colourful sunset. The tower pics last time were just a bonus on this sortie.

It's beautiful on that pier when the weather is right.

Those trees near Green Island have a good outline...

.. closer.

With foreground rocks. Not sure if the composition works well..?

... and the sun goes down on another wonderful week :)

Have a good weekend

Tuesday, 11 November 2008

Platte Rocque Tower - evening light

The house here at La Rocque, Grouville (on map), has changed hands recently...

.. and some low buildings obscuring the view of the tower have been removed...

.. leaving a rough edge to the roof on this tastefully decorated shack :)

Looks more like someone's front door than an 18th century tower's. Does it need a letterbox? :o)

From the pier, the splash of colour is quite cheerful really.

.. closer.

Info board. I've never heard of the Pasley chap before, I thought it was Conway?

Pictures taken from public land in accordance with relevant laws. If the new owners are upset regarding privacy issues or suchlike, please get in touch - thanks

Monday, 10 November 2008


Checkers & M&S at Red Houses, where the upstairs cafe is no longer allowed to make use of the balcony because of complaints from overlooked neighbours.

View from Mt a La Brune...

... over St.Ouen's Pond...

.. to L'Etacq in the heat haze.

I'll have to try it when there's less hot air around...

.. because extented zoom like this gets upset by the warm air.

All that ironmongery = runway Instrument Landing System aerials. And ubiquitous mobile phone masts too.

The road to the tower.

El Tico II under construction, beyond the sand pits.

From La Pulente...

.. closer...

.. on a Good Surf Day...

.. meaning the beach was popular...

.. with kite fliers too.

Whinge time... Blogger are really trying to make it hard to upload pics. Every time I find a quick way to upload, they change something and break my system. I used to be able to cut and paste filenames and manually change the numbers without going through the whole dialog, but now it brings up the dialog as soon as I click in the field.
If I want to upload a set in order I have to do it in batches of 5 in reverse order, which used to be like 11,12,13,14 then 6,7,8,9,10 then 1,2,3,4,5 .... but now it needs to be in reverse order within each 5! i.e. 14,13,12,11 then 10,9,8,7,6 then 5,4,3,2,1. It's very frustrating, particularly when I've split up a large set into two postings and the numbers aren't in a straight run.

So if I post less often, that one of the reasons why... amongst the lack of feedback and recent drop in visitor numbers.