Friday, 6 May 2016

Do you know this bunker?

(Updated with answer) Here's one I've never seen before, or any mention of... let's see if any of you know where this is in Jersey :)

First to answer gets 100 crapaud points, LOL

And when I get enough comments asking where, I will tell you!

And here's the outside. Come on, don't be shy, tell me if you know or not!

Update :


Shane said...

Looks like Derrflinger above St Aubin

crapaudmatic said...

Hi Shane, no, it's not that one. If anyone wants to get UJ involved, feel free to post the pic on there. I'm 99% sure no-one will get it, it's that obscure :)

crapaudmatic said...

It looks bigger than it is - you'd have to crawl along on your tum to get in here. It's a stone's throw away from one that most bunker fans would know about, yet I've never seen any mention of this one and we had to do a lot of pruning to reveal it (it's now in plain sight and it's only a matter of time before someone spots it anyway). It felt like we'd discovered one that had been forgotten about for years, surely the dream of any bunker hunter!

Anonymous said...

No idea! Can we please have a clue?

crapaudmatic said...

Extra photo added. You can probably tell from the vegetation that it's not out west. I would have liked a lot more interaction on this one, but I know it's just too much hard work to type a quick message and click a button... so I will accept that I'm wasting my time hoping for more discussion and get on with adding a page for this location and its bunkers in the coming weeks.

Unknown said...

Hi is it on the North coast near M5 ? The trees look familiar. Intriguing post, thank you.

Anonymous said...

It could be anywhere tbh, I have no idea with the shots you have put up. Re more discussion - A FB page seems to be the way forward sadly.

Bri said...

Hi, sorry I don't comment more often but I do enjoy your blog. I mentioned it on Facebook on Unseen Jersey for you and theyre talking about it there. Looking forward to the big reveal!

crapaudmatic said...

Hi Alexander, right coast, but wrong location! Thanks for commenting, all of you. Bri thank you very much, I wish I could join in on FB but their Real Names Policy is against me! At least I have my roving reporters keeping me informed :)

Amusing to see my hit counts surge up by over 150 on this posting, but only 2 views of the bunker I posted this morning! I guess people just don't go the home page to see what the rest of the blog is about! Is the writing on the wall that blogs are obsolete? :(

Hidden Islander said...


crapaudmatic said...

250 views now, and only 5 comments! And only 3 views of my OP Catillon posting made since. I know where I stand now :(

Interesting that no-one seems to know this one, though.

Never mind, I still get visits from people looking things up with Google, so I'm going to carry on doing what I'm doing on this blog for my own amusement regardless of whether anyone comments. I'm creating a resource for anyone looking for the kind of material I publish. As for this bunker, you'll find out where this one is when I get around to it.

RBougeard said...

I wish I knew, it does look cool :) Was down at OP Catillon last weekend with my youngest daughter, as she wanted me to show her where it was (I do like this one, also its not far from my parents place) and noticed the leaves & greenery had been cleaned out, nice one :)

crapaudmatic said...

Thank you Richard :)
Regarding your tricky slope on UJ - I can save you (or Shane if he's eager to go in) a lot of trouble with this one piece of advice: look around the area a bit more! You might just get a nice surprise, LOL

RBougeard said...

Thank you for the hint, & please keep up the blog. As someone who goes walking every Sunday (20-30 miles), I'm always looking for interesting things to see on the way, & between you, UJ & Traces of War, they make up a fair bit of where I go & my route for my Sundays. Not that I know much of the history of Jersey, but going out & seeing them is great. & if you need a hand doing any clearing of any of them (like Catillon), let me know (you can leave a PM on my blog if you like), some are in quite a sorry state, quite sad really.

crapaudmatic said...

Thanks again, glad my blog has some use :) Thanks for the offer, I'll bear it in mind even though I'm a secretive old toad who doesn't want to give his ID away or readily meet up with anyone! A new post is up, btw, for La Perelle. Cheers!

RBougeard said...

No probs :) & thanks for the last couple of posts (I know where I'm off to on Sunday) - look forward to the reveal of this one, I'm stumped.

crapaudmatic said...

In case no-one has noticed, see the answer at