As the new Town Park is about to be revealed, I thought why not look back at the car park as it was - it seems quite some time ago now.
It's almost as much fun taking pictures from Google Streetview as it as in real life!
From David Place
I don't really need to label these, as you'll either recognise the scenes or - if you're really bothered - you could take a drive in Streetview for yourself!
Coming soon, photos from the last day inside the car park, and the start of work to create the car-free park.
The crapaud (a "crappo" is a Jersey toad) will be trying to provide photos of Jersey covering a whole range of aspects of my beautiful island home situated near Normandy, France (satellite views) .
Autumn at the Zoo.
It's dark, damp, there's a chill in the air and the clocks go back. All
those little signs that autumn has clearly arrived.
So when a sunny Sunday arrives ...
Wookie mp3 trigger demo
Wookie mp3 trigger demo
Customer demo video of a wookie sound system going to the UK. Thanks very
much. Ordering info at the end of the video.
From: Fpv ...
Views of St Helier
Views of St Helier
Views of St Helier the Capital of Jersey in the Channel Islands. Filmed on
an iPhone 7, with wide angle lense, FILMic Pro and edited w...
Group wall post by Darren Roberts
Darren Roberts wrote on Politics Jersey's wall: Does the recent EU ban on
surcharges for using debit/credit cards have any relevance here in Jersey?
I'm gu...
The Lane 3
The Lane 3
Almost 15 years have passed since the Events of the now legendary 'Queens
Valley Disturbance Case' DS Strover and his Constable DC Hayden now ...
Beautiful Jersey sung by Rachel Hayden
Beautiful Jersey sung by Rachel Hayden
Beautiful Jersey sung by Rachel Hayden for Liberation Day.
From: BBC Jersey
Views: 575
3 ratings
Time: 03:00 More i...
Nourrices - Viviers on the coast of Jersey
Articles on this subject: "Nourrices at Rozel Harbour, and elsewhere in
Jersey" Mary Gibb and Ralph Nichols, Bulletin of the Societe Jersiaise 2007
pages 3...
P1 Superstock Powerboat racing, Jersey 11-Jun-2011
P1 Superstock Powerboat racing, Jersey 11-Jun-2011
P1 Superstock Powerboat racing, Jersey 11-Jun-2011 Nice day to watch a TV
helicopter filming the racin...
Mentawais Aid Project 2010 - Documentary
Mentawais Aid Project 2010 - Documentary
A documentary about a project to take cash to villagers affected by the
October 2010 tsunami in the Mentawai Isl...
Robinson Crapaud
Robinson Crapaud
The third and final installment in the Hedley le Maistre trilogy. Written
and performed by Hedley le Maistre with Clive Pearce as the ma...
Toy Town Island - "Gorey & Rozel"
Toy Town Island - "Gorey & Rozel"
Tilt shift style miniatures video clip. Music: McCleary's Womb, written and
performed by JerseyBob
From: theRenowned
What a country! Some of these photos are terrible quality, this is because
we used a waterproof disposable whilst 'tubing'. Tubing: For about $3.50,
you hi...
Philip Ozouf - It's all over now Baby Blue
Philip Ozouf - It's all over now Baby Blue
Philip Ozouf , GST Party Leader, Senatorial Hustings St Helier Jersey
From: Time4ChangeJersey
Views: 1496
3 rat...
My pics? What can I say... but that there are two types of photographers : artists and recordists. I'm a recordist - for me it's a technical challenge to try to capture what the eye sees, rather than what the imagination sees. I'm no artist.
My camera is good enough for the web, I'm not interested in spending a fortune on DSLR and lenses, mucking about in pic editors, filters and all that malarkey.
I'm also driven to share, publish, and show things to people when they're interested in specific things - like island scenery. If I was into art, I'd despair at just how much there is out there already, and how difficult it would be to find an audience because no-one has time to wade through billions of pretty pictures.
If you want to see what Jersey looks like, then hang around here and I'll do my best to show you. Thanks!
A Message to the Stars
Listening to an Archive on 4, "Carl Sagan: A Personal Voyage". Professor
Brian Cox looks back at the work of his all-time science hero, ...
Slow changes
It has taken some time but I've finally regained access to the journal.
The start to the calendar year hasn't been great. The delivery man who
Group wall post by Darren Roberts
Darren Roberts wrote on Politics Jersey's wall: Does the recent EU ban on
surcharges for using debit/credit cards have any relevance here in Jersey?
I'm gu...
All at Sea
Fire crew and lifeboat crew are two vocations only suitable for genuine
heroes and heroines, and fully deserve immense respect from everybody.
However, the...
Hacking the Atom - Cold Fusion lives - or does it?
Some readers may have noticed this little bit in my sidebar personal
*"Cold Fusion Advocate (but sceptical)"*
Here is news of a new book - Ha...
Disgusted by Police Cruel Dog Killing
How would you react had it been your beloved pet that they had so callously
run down & murdered? Just what sort of example is this to give to our
children ...
On the election trail...
The rosettes are finally being worn! Bought four years ago in anticipation
of my first election campaign, Elaine and I are wearing our rosettes and
Since the last posting I have gained investment and continued with my
project, while working seven days a week and have experienced a close
family bereavem...
Blame Democracy
The march towards a lean, mean state with a lean, mean leader goes on. My
latest scheme is to get the public to take the blame for my next round of
Vote for Our Bloke, Even Though He Is Already In!
Oh, dear, I am so confused, because my party is making a terrible cock-up,
and I am always sticking up for them publicly, and, so, everyone is going
to thi...
Biting The Hand That Feeds
Did anyone else in addition to Clameur de Haro pick up on the snide little
dig from the Jersey Evening [sic] Post’s Elaine Byrne in her reporting of
the wi...
The Results!
St Helier No1 3 seats 25.50% Brian Beadle 229 Paul Le Claire 634 Nick Le
Cornu 406 Judy Martin 601 Trevor Pitman 487 Katy Ringsdore 387 Chris
Whitworth ...
No Murder! Suspend Police Chief
So there was no murder at Haut de la Garenne. Obviously that's a good
thing. But then to suspend the Chief Police Officer, Graham Power? As far
as I know, ...
Driving to France
Much as I would like be able to hop into the car and drive to France
whenever the fancy takes me, I do not expect it to be a possibility in my
lifetime. Pu...
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