The Dunes "Les Mielles" in St. Brelade

Looking along the beach as a gap in the clouds illuminates one spot

Distant rain...

.. pours down over L'Etacq way (contrast boosted for effect)

That white house

.. and again.

At the Braye slip a bunker has been excavated...

.. hopefully I'll get to have a look around in there at some point.

Nearby, the beach showers are a fairly new addition.

Looking inland from the Braye slip (I'm going to call it that until someone sorts out for once and for all whether it is Le, La or Les!)

There's some ugly new fencing around the airport.

So-so pic of La Rocco Tower

.. and a bunker. Nearby...

.. it looks like the sea wall has been altered here? Odd!

Over to Corbiere lighthouse.
It's good to be back with my computer problems sorted at last and some usable light to take pics with. I hope it was worth the wait!
The other 14 pics from that walk feature a marked improvement in the weather, and picturesque-ness, so stay tuned ... it's coming soon :)