To be dismantled.
Looking rather purple up at Les Landes.
There must be a massive data centre inside this house - I keep hearing about so many services keeping data in The Cloud :)
Always on the lookout for new footpaths to explore, I found one at this bend at Maufant...
.. it looks like a residential track... but it's been made an official footpath in recent years, apparently...
.. and emerges here.
It's on the phonebook map, but not Google, which has missed plenty of lanes (I've lost count already after a dozen or so, having a good look around)...
.. like Petit Ponterrin (which the phone book map has too close to the footpath) - big enough not to miss...
.. emerging here. If only they'd had more time with the Google Car to explore just a bit more. Still, at least we're on the map, unlike our backwards neighbour to the north west, LOL
I want to have a good nose around the Other Island on StreetView but it never seems to happen :(
If only all roads were as clearly signposted. Here's a parish boundary stone with Mont Millais on one side, and Bagatelle Road on the other.
Lots of Jersey roads change names at seemingly random points along the way, without signage to help. For instance, when exactly in St. Brelades Bay does Mont Sohier become Route de la Baie, then La Marquanderie? Sometimes a change occurs at a junction, sometimes a parish boundary, often there's no clue for us! When does Trinity Road become Trinity Hill, then become Route de la Trinite? Did you know that the top of Mont Les Vaux at St.Aubin is actually Grande Route de St.Brelade? - you wouldn't know from any road signs; there aren't any... and when does that morph into La Route des Genets? At Woodbine Corner?
When does Mont Cochon become La Route du Mont Cochon? The map, the Welcome to St.Lawrence sign and the almanac all disagree - if you have an accident right there, which parish do you visit for the parish hall knuckle-rap? There are lanes between Queen's Valley and Gorey where the parish hasn't bothered signposting, and even the map makers seem to have given up trying to work out what they're called!
Anyhow, rant over. Let's admire a building of the sort "They don't make 'em like that any more" (if someone tried to, it would be refused as a 'pastiche of the past' or some other excuse to deny us pleasant detail).
An evening view along King Street...
... closer - a receeding row of signs.
Let's end on a chuckle, thanks to a pair of these little chaps guarding a gateway somewhere in the middle of the island.
And perhaps you'd like to explore the Black Hole of Grouville Common? Click the Go Forwards arrow twice and admire the view at night! :)