We begin today's magical mystery tour with a look at the Zoo and how the planters in the carpark have been removed and hoarding is about to go up for a new cafe and visitor centre.

A clear day and a view of St.Peter Port on The Other Island...

.. and Sark - where I've never been, yet. Is that one of those harbours with the archway in the rock?

People still enjoy the Ronez Loop Road - karters SHARE this land PLEASE!

Looking left to Sorel Light... and the different colour patches on the sea from clouds casting shadows.

A French ferry passes by the North East of the island, wit Les Ecrehos and France in the distance...

.. again.

Sporting action at Sorel...

.. I'm more of an landscape photog than an action one :)

The Fremont Point mast, being readied for the onslaught of Digital. See that speck up there? ....

.. that's these lucky guys! I'd love to see the view from up there!

Down South now, and a small bit of France visible in the distance from Noirmont on a clear day. I think it's the Frehel/Plevenon area, some 34.5 miles away (
map) if my bearings are correct :)

Looking over towards town. and it all looks very green with the gardens at South Hill and Grouville Hill - the urban sprawl of Georgetown and Longueville hidden away in between.

From a distance Victoria College sits amongst the hospital, the Grand, Cyril Le Marquand House and West Park.

More of The Waterfront takes shape.

These old West Park toilets are usually closed, so when I found myself alone in here after the air display, I couldn't resist a quick snap. They don't make them like this any more!

The old road surface of the Esplanade has been uncovered recently, due to building works nearby. I used to drive along here... ah the nostalgia :)

.. to the right, and those metal men have been removed after vandalism.

Connex have a big new white bus...

.. it is rather long.

Finally, some dusk shots from South Hill playground carpark...

Thank you yet again.
They say a picture says a thousand words.
if you want to see ancient toilets look at the one by the side of the old La Folie Pub christ its victorian i think older than your other picture with those taps that dont stay on to wash your hands!
states saving again grrrrr
Brilliant as always! Great pics and eloquent comments!! Thanks a million. A.
You never fail with your brill photos :) Wonderful.
Hi - :)
I didnt where else to contact you so am adding a post here!!
Can you get some pix of Nick Romeril's 'baitball' outside the new Havre des Pas flats (formerly The Carlton Hotel)?? Pretty please :) The photos I have seen do it no justice!
Thanks ever so! :) xxx
Hi Dottie
I'll see what I can do, when the sun ever puts in an appearance again!
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