We emerge out of the woodland (packed with squirrels!)...
.. and a well-worn track cuts through the 'hottentot figs' (that's one of those words that can make you feel guilty just typing it. Oh, and don't look up 'hottentot apron' if you blush easily).
The end of the path - it's just rocks and deep ravines. No easy way to the west. An official cliff path would have to head up over the top of the headland, if the landowners could be persuaded to share their sea views with us peasants :)
Zooming in... La Cotte, the famous cave of prehistoric remains.
Ouaisne peeks through the rocks.
Two towers at Noirmont, and the rocks of the Violet Bank far beyond.
I recommend the walk, if you want to take your chances with private land (?). I did hear there wasn't actually any Law of Trespass in Jersey though ;)
a) take memory card out of the camera, insert into USB adaptor, load onto main off-line PC
b) select anything worth publishing, rotate (to level up) as needed (usually every damn time!), adjust contrast/brightness/gamma, colour balance, crop, resize down to web-size, save.
c) copy a folder-full to be published onto 'clean' USB stick to take to an online device for uploading to internet
d) load onto a non-Windows device. This one has a problem selecting more than one pic at a time in the blog posting upload dialog, so I need to pass onto another machine...
e) copy onto a 'dirty' USB stick (could be infected for all I know).
f) take the USB key to an old laptop, online. (by using two USB sticks via a Unix-based intermediate machine, hopefully any Windows infections won't get passed on?)
g) try to upload to a new blog posting. Fails. Pics don't appear in the posting, but do go into the web album elsewhere...
h) go back to the non-Windows device, load up the draft posting again, select the new pics from the web album (from the far end of hundreds that take an age to display) and finally get to see them in the posting.
i) Working on whichever machine is more comfortable, charged and connected ... labour away at clicking each pic, selecting small size and left alignment, add a single character of text while I still have a chance, because often if you try to add something later the cursor won't go where you want it to - needs messing about in the HTML editor :(
j) at last I get to write a bit for each pic (replacing the single character added earlier), trying to make things flow and give the reader a sense of place and direction. And try not to give away any clues who or where I am, in case I've ever upset any local psychos - and because I like to wander around totally incognito.
k) These days I seem to need to re-order the sequence because the pics don't display in the order I carefully named the shots! Not easy! I have to do it via HTML editing because the 'compose' view often breaks things :(
l) add div and /div sections in the HTML because long bits of text bleed into the next one, and there's no easy way to force a blank line!
m) then I can finish off by setting labels, location, and... publish!
n) sit back exhausted and wait for one or two comments, wonder why all those hits don't generate more comment :)
I guess it's still a joy to publish things, even after all this time!